• +90 542 830 80 62
  • Ataköy Towers B blok no:122 Bakırköy/İstanbul
  • 9:30 - 17:30
Brow Lift Operation Details Istanbul Turkey

7 Days

1 Day

2-4 Hours

general anesthesia

2-3 Months

5th Day

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What Is Brow Lift Aesthetics?


Brow lift aesthetics surgery; sagging in the facial area over time negatively affects the eyebrows as well and we face droopy eyebrows. Lifting the eyebrow area with different methods and gaining them their earlier form is called brow lift aesthetics.

As we get older, undesired problems such as facial sagging and wrinkles begin to occur. The forehead, eye contour and eyebrow are the areas that start to sag at first along with the aging process. Droopy eyebrows are perhaps corrected with the simplest aesthetic application today. With brow lift surgery, the scars in the frown area between two eyebrows are reduced and eyebrows are brought back to their old form by reducing the weight on eyebrows caused by sagging forehead. Brow lift aesthetics is sufficient alone for young and middle-aged patients; however, brow lift aesthetics may not be sufficient alone in advanced ages. In addition to brow lift surgery, eyelid aesthetics and forehead lift aesthetics can also be added.

Brow list is among the popular aesthetic procedures commonly performed in Istanbul.


Why Is Brow Lift Aesthetics Performed?

With aging, the skin begins to lose its elasticity in the face area. Wrinkles and sagging start to cause problems in aesthetic appearance. The areas where wrinkles are first seen are usually the eyebrows and forehead. Sagging of the eyebrows and upper eyelids begins to accumulate above the eyes over time and can reach an advanced level that makes vision difficult. Sagging of the eyebrows, which affects the facial expression very much, can cause tired, angry, or nervous facial expression. For this reason, you can regain your old look before anyone notice with the eyebrow lift surgery to be done at the earliest period.


Who Are Suitable for Brow Lift Aesthetics?

Brow lift surgery is usually applied to young and middle-aged patients. After the age of 30, more advanced applications and facial rejuvenating procedures such as temple lifting may be preferred instead of brow lift. This is evaluated during the interview with the patient.


What Are the Types of Brow Lift Aesthetics?

Brow lift can be done with surgical or non-surgical methods according to the need of patients. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Brow suspension, classic brow lift and endoscopic brow lift are the examples of surgical methods; botox and ultherapy are the examples of non-surgical methods.


  • ‌Brow Lift with Botox:

Brow lift aesthetics with botox application starts with the stage of designing an appropriate eyebrow shape for your face. Eyebrows are brought to the position that they should be on the face, and they are made proportional to the face. The main goal is to have a softer, younger and healthier appearance.

In brow lift aesthetics with botox, botox is applied in small doses so as not to prevent the eyebrow from making its natural movements. Since it is a non-surgical procedure, it takes at most 10 minutes. During the procedure, botulinum toxin -the content of botox- is injected with fine-tipped needles to the points determined on the face to raise the eyebrow. The effect of brow lift aesthetics with botox appears more prominently a few days after the procedure. This process is permanent for 4-6 months.



  • Brow Lift with Ultherapy:

‌‌Ultherapy ‌HIFU (High-Intensity ‌Focused ‌Ultrasound) is a high-intensity focused ultrasound energy. In this procedure, skin tightening and rejuvenation are provided. We can reach up to 4.5 mm depth of the skin without causing any scar on the skin thanks to ultherapy treatment. Brow lift procedure with ultherapy lasts for 10 minutes on average. Although the effects of ultherapy can be seen immediately, it reaches the desired effect after 3 months.


  • Endoscopic Brow Lift Aesthetics:

Small and thin cameras are used in endoscopic brow lift aesthetics, so it can be progressed without incision. There is no scar because there is no incision. It is performed under general or local anesthesia. In the endoscopic eyebrow lift, small holes are made at several different points in the inner parts of the scalp and the small thin cameras allow us to perform the operation by entering through these holes.

Painkiller is given after surgery. Stitches are removed after about 10 days. The Operations car will remain hidden in the scalp. With endoscopic eyebrow lift, we can achieve much more permanent results than non-surgical applications.


  • Classic Brow Lift Aesthetics:

Another name of the classic brow lift aesthetics is the temple lift surgery. In this surgery, scalp is removed from the temple area and this area is stretched. The biggest disadvantage of this surgery is that the long stitch lines made in the scalp area expand over time and create balding areas.


  • Brow Suspension Aesthetics:

Brow suspension is applied under local anesthesia. The eyebrow is suspended as desired with a stitch passing through a small hole opened in front of the hairline. The disadvantage of this method is that the desired effect cannot be permanent for a long time. Eyebrows can return to their former shape in 6 months to 2 years depending on the intensity of mimic use.

Recovery Period

After brow lift surgery, a tape is placed around your eyebrows. You can accelerate healing of the edema by applying cold compresses to your forehead during the recovery period. You may have swelling on your forehead after surgery, this is normal. However, you need to be careful about bruising. You contact us immediately in case of bruising. You can wash your hair very carefully on the third day after the operation. Your stitches will be removed on the seventh day after surgery. You may have numbness and difficulty in moving your eyebrows and forehead temporarily. All these things are expected within the normal healing process of the surgery.

What Are the Risks?

There is no situation to create too much risk related to eyebrow lift aesthetics. There is almost no possibility of bleeding or infection. If occurs, infection is treated with antibiotic treatment.

In these surgeries, stitches suspending the tissues may not work sometimes. In this case, re-stitching may be required. In some cases, there may be a loss of sensation in the eyebrows. These are details that will disappear in a few weeks.

Hair loss may occur because a procedure is applied to the hairy areas, but the hair starts to grow again after a short time and there is no permanent problem.


kaş kaldırma



Prices of Brow Lift Aesthetics

Brow lift is one of the most popular aesthetic applications in Istanbul. Facial beauty is very important for many people. For this reason, people start looking for solutions to the droopy eyebrows, which is maybe the first problem you may have with your face. You will find many doctors and clinics for brow lift in Istanbul, but choosing the right doctor is very important for your health.

Endoscopic brow lift prices are one of the most asked questions in 2020. These prices are not determined in a single way. It is determined by considering the needs of the patient and whether local or general anesthesia will be applied.

Surgical or non-surgical brow lift prices also vary according to the method of application. Therefore, the patient should be examined first.

Filler prices for a brow lift are also determined by the number of fillers or botox materials to be used

Thread brow lift prices also vary in 2020. The fact that the materials are imported from abroad is important for this pricing.

The priority regarding brow lift aesthetics is to evaluate your needs and wishes together. Therefore, I recommend you make an appointment and decide the procedure details together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an eyebrow lift do?

Sagging in the facial area over time negatively affects the eyebrows as well and we face droopy eyebrows. Lifting the eyebrow area with different methods and gaining them their earlier form is called brow lift aesthetics. As we get older, undesired problems such as facial sagging and wrinkles begin to occur. The forehead, eye contour and eyebrow are the areas that start to sag at first along with the aging process. Droopy eyebrows are perhaps corrected with the simplest aesthetic application today. With brow lift surgery, the scars in the frown area between two eyebrows are reduced and eyebrows are brought back to their old form by reducing the weight on eyebrows caused by sagging forehead.

Is a brow lift useful for drooping eyelids?

An eyebrow lift in Istanbul can help if the eyelids are not very large. If the eyelids are only slightly drooping, a brow lift may help lift them. But if the eyelids droop a lot, it is better to have blepharoplasty. With brow lift surgery in Turkey, the scars in the frown area between two eyebrows are reduced and eyebrows are brought back to their old form by reducing the weight on eyebrows caused by sagging forehead.

What are eyebrow lift techniques?

There are 5 main methods of surgical eyebrow lifting: the endoscopic technique and its variant with supporting sutures, the frontal bone technique, subcutaneous lifting and temporal eyebrow lifting. The endoscopic option is most often used for people who really only need a slight eyebrow lift. The full technique of the temporal bone, as the name suggests, involves the surgeon making a long incision from one end of the skull to the other, and during a subcutaneous lift the incision is made to the front hairline. On the other hand, the temporal eyebrow lifting, by cutting the temples, allows you to achieve the cat’s eye effect and lift the cheeks.

Can a brow lift be combined with other treatments?

Brow lift surgery in Istanbul can be combined with many other surgeries. During brow lift surgery can be also perform a breast aesthetic surgery or abdominoplasty. Some patients are choosing to do brow lift in Istanbul and face lift in the same time. You can perform a few surgeries at the same time if you will decide to do brow lift surgery in Turkey. Very ofter patients are choosing to do rhinoplasty or breast augmentation during brow lift surgery in Istanbul.

Our Appointment Hours

Monday: 9:30 – 17:30

Tuesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Wednesday: 9:30 – 17:30

Thursday: 9:30 – 17:30

Friday: 9:30 – 17:30

Saturday: 9:30 – 14:30

Sunday: CLOSED

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