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Göz Altı Torbaları Nasıl Geçer
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Göz Altı Torbaları Nasıl Geçer

Although the eye area is one of the most important and aesthetically pleasing areas of the face, it has extremely sensitive and thin skin. The skin tissue surrounding the under-eye area loosens with age, the skin tissue weakens and sags. The pouch-like sagging under the eyes can create a favorable environment for the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. Although under-eye bags are generally harmless, they can cause an aesthetically disturbing appearance. In some cases, bags under the eyes can cause serious problems and can trigger problems such as headaches, eye fatigue and distraction.

The method to be applied to relieve under-eye bags should be determined depending on the underlying cause of the problem. Swelling caused by fluid accumulation in the under-eye bags can be temporarily prevented with some methods that can be applied at home. Applying cold compresses to the areas of swelling can reduce blood flow in the area. It can prevent swelling and inflammation. For this, a cooled cucumber slice or ice pack can be applied to the under-eye area.

Caffeine, a vasoconstrictor, causes blood vessels to constrict. The application of under-eye creams containing caffeine and retinol can reduce puffiness and the appearance of stillness under the eyes. It may be preferable to place chilled tea bags on the under-eye bags. However, it should be noted that these procedures are not enough to effectively remove under-eye bags.

Medical aesthetic procedures can also be utilized to provide a smooth transition from the under-eye area to the cheek area. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid are used in the under-eye light filling procedure. The appearance of the under-eye area is improved with filler injection under local anesthesia.

Surgical procedures can also be used to remove bags under the eyes, which cause a tired and aged appearance on the face. With eyelid aesthetic surgery, the skin under the lower eyelids can be smoothed and tightened. Blepharoplasty can also treat swollen or drooping eyelids.

How Are Bags Under the Eyes Formed?

Although bags under the eyes can occur for many different reasons, aging comes first among them. The first signs of aging appear around the eyes. With aging, bags under the eyes may appear. Bags caused by aging are caused by the weakening and relaxation of the supporting muscles in the eyelids and the tissues around the eyes.

Loosening of the sebaceous glands that support the eyes and eyelids causes the skin to sag downwards. As a result of fluid accumulation in the gaps in the sagging, the puffiness takes on a bag-shaped appearance.

In addition, there are many different factors that accelerate the formation of under-eye bags. Bags under the eyes cause an old and tired expression on the face. Factors such as lack of sleep, genetic factors, fatigue, reactions caused by various medications and fluid retention caused by excessive salt consumption can cause the formation and progression of bags under the eyes. Physical stress, eczema, temperature changes, irregular or poor eating habits, crying, hormonal irregularities, nasal and respiratory problems and sleep disorders can also be listed among the factors that cause bags under the eyes.

In some cases, bags under the eyes can be a harbinger of serious diseases. Especially if there is severe and persistent redness, pain and itching in addition to swelling, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If the legs and other parts of the body accompany the complaints, the presence of kidney and thyroid diseases may come to the fore.

Eating habits are also effective in the formation of bags under the eyes. People who consume excessive salt accumulate excessive amounts of salt in their bodies over time. Accumulated salt can cause some diseases by tiring the kidneys. Bags under the eyes can be included in these problems and diseases.

In addition, iron deficiency, sinus infections, food and dust allergies, loss of skin elasticity and allergic rhinitis can trigger the formation of bags under the eyes. Excessive caffeine consumption can also cause dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. For this reason, care should be taken not to consume excessive caffeine.

Since hormonal irregularities are high during pregnancy, excessive swelling, bruising or bagging may occur in the under-eye area. During this process, plenty of water should be consumed, adequate sleep and a balanced diet should be established.

Göz Altı Torbaları Nasıl OluşurGet Rid of Under Eye Bags with Under Eye Light Filler

Bad lifestyle habits, excessive fatigue, sleeping more or less than necessary can cause problems in the under-eye area. Under-eye light filling stands out as a functional solution to eliminate problems such as sagging, collapse and swelling in the under-eye area.

The fat pads under the skin around the eyes decrease over time. As a result, the thickness of the subcutaneous support tissue decreases and collapse occurs around the eyes. Due to the angle of incidence of light, shadowing and a darker appearance may occur in the area around the eyes. Mechanical removal of the skin around the eyes may be beneficial to remove the darkening.

However, under-eye light filling procedure cannot be used to eliminate deformities caused by advanced aging. If the skin is not wrinkled too much, there is no loosening of the muscle layer, the bags under the eyes are very light and the volume loss is not severe, under-eye light filling treatment can be beneficial.

The patient is examined before under-eye light filling. Their needs and expectations are evaluated. The amount of filler to be injected at which points is determined. Local anesthetic cream is applied to the application area and expected to take effect. The filler is applied through a needle or cannula. The injection of the filler into the area should be in small amounts until the desired result is achieved. If too much filler is injected too quickly, the delicate tissue in the under-eye area will be traumatized. After the filler is injected into the area, gentle shaping can be done with the fingers. To prevent bruising and swelling of the area, it may be beneficial to apply an ice compress after injection.

After under-eye light filling, it is possible to experience temporary sensitivity in the application area. Ice compresses can be applied to reduce discomfort and swelling. In addition, it is important not to touch the under-eye area and not to apply make-up for the specified period of time after the under-eye light filler injection. Under-eye light filling, which is a comfortable and practical procedure, does not cause any interruption in the daily life of patients.

Under-eye mesotherapy procedure can also be applied to improve the appearance of the under-eye area. It is often preferred to use under-eye mesotherapy to remove dark circles and fine lines that appear over time due to aging, lack of sleep, stress, genetic factors and other factors.

Since under-eye mesotherapy is performed on an anatomically extremely sensitive area, it should be performed by experienced and specialized doctors. In order to ensure this, the choice of doctor should be meticulously made, and the under-eye mesotherapy procedure should be planned after a detailed patient-specific examination.

The first step towards under-eye mesotherapy is to examine the patient in detail and decide whether the patient is suitable for the procedure. In addition, the quality of the injected material and the application of the correct dose can be listed among the factors affecting the success of under-eye mesotherapy.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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