• +90 542 830 80 62
  • Ataköy Towers B blok no:122 Bakırköy/İstanbul
  • 9:30 - 17:30
  • by Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi
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what is gynecomastiaa

Gynecomastia is the  term used to describe male breast glandular enlargement. It is essential to differentiate it from Pseudo-gynecomastia, which is characterized by an excess in breast fat but not by an enlargement of the mammary gland tissue.

The natural growth of the male breast during childhood and adolescence is referred to as physiological gynecomastia. under the areola, the expansion is generally transitory, bilateral, smooth, tight, and symmetrically distributed tenderness in the breasts is also possible Adolescent physiological gynecomastia normally disappears on its own between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. similar changes can happen in old age, and they can be unilateral or bilateral. the stroma, not the mammary ducts, is responsible for the majority of the growth. the process usually takes the form of a decrease in androgen impact or an increase in estrogen effect. if the assessment does not reveal a cause for the development of gynecomastia, it is classified as idiopathic. it is possible that the reason cannot be identified since the gynecomastia is physiological or there is no longer evidence of the triggering event. 

How is a Physical Examination Performed in Gynecomastia?

gynecomastia is widespread in newborn males as a result of estrogen exposure from their mothers. it can also be found in males who are approaching puberty. Either way, it usually goes away on its own. it is more frequent in men over the age of 50 in adults. it may just affect one or both breasts. 

many  causes can contribute to male breast tissue expansion, although occasionally no reason can be identified. these include aging-related hormonal changes (having less testosterone and more estrogen) and increasing body fat, both of which might affect estrogen levels medications, health issues, and other substances can all contribute to gynecomastia  

a complete examination is done on individuals who apply with the suspicion of gynecomastia, including an assessment of signs, symptoms, skin, and overall look. a goiter examination is performed on the neck. ascites, venous distention, and suspicious adrenal tumors are all looked for in the belly. secondary sexual traits (such as penis, public hair, and armpit hair) are assessed. masses or atrophy of the testicles are evaluated.

with the patient’s hands behind her head, the breasts are inspected. during the examination, the doctor brings the thumb and index fingers together from opposing sides of the nipple. every nipple discharge is recorded. lumps are assessed and classified based on their location, consistency, attachment to underlying tissues, and skin alterations. axillary lymph node involvement is evaluated in males who have a breast mass..

mammography is performed if breast cancer is suspected. if a different illness is detected, relevant testing are carried out. comprehensive diagnostics are not necessary in patients with persistent gynecomastia discovered solely following a physical examination. Adults with a recent beginning of painful gynecomastia without a medication or an evident pathological reason; serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, estradiol levels, and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels should be examined. after 6 months, patients with physiological or idiopathic gynecomastia are re-evaluated.

What is the Treatment for gynecomastia?

what is the treatment for gynecomastia

the optimal therapy for gynecomastia is decided for each patient based on the reason, length, and severity of the condition,as well as if causes pain or discomfort. because pubertal gynecomastia normally resolves on its own, therapy is often avoided at first. instead, variations in size should be tracked over a period of many months. in most situations, pubertal gynecomastia resolves on its own during this time frame. a brief term of medication may be indicated for boys with severe gynecomastia that causes extreme soreness or embarrassment. these medications inhibit the actions of estrogen in the body and can cause a modest reduction in breast size. 

adult males whose gynecomastia is likely to be caused by an underlying health  condition or substance should avoid treatment. treating the underlying disease or discontinuing the harmful drug generally cures the gynecomastia in these guys. for males with idiopathic gynecomastia that causes pain and lasts longer than three months, short-term pharmacologic treatment many be advised.

although medication therapy is useful for men and boys who have had swollen breasts for a few months, it is ineffective for males whose breast tissue is not responsive or who have had this condition for more than a year surgery is an excellent alternative for these guys who want to minimize the size of their breasts. surgery is typically not suggested for teenagers until puberty is complete; if surgery is performed before adolescence is complete, there may be regrowth of breast tissue.

the degree of the operation is determined by the severity of the breast enlargement as well as the presence of extra fatty tissue. many males are treated with a mix of glandular tissue removal surgery and liposuction. for males with more severe breast growth or excessive drooping of breast tissue caused by weight loss, more comprehensive cosmetic surgery, including partial surgical excision of the breast skin, is necessary.

male breast cancer is exceedingly rare, however it often manifests as a hard lump in the breast. After a though examination by a specialist, this can usually be recognized from gynecomastia. breast imaging may be required in specific instances. if breast imaging reveals no alarming abnormalities, possible medical illnesses causing breast augmentation should be investigated.


Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi

Plastik cerrahi alanında ülkemizin prestijli eğitim kurumlarının başında gelen Hacettepe Üniversitesi Plastik Cerrahi Bölümü’nden uzmanlığını alan Evren Tevfik İşçi; samimi ve sıcak bir ortamda her hasta için kişinin ihtiyacına özel çözümler sunmaktadır.Op. Dr. Evren Tevfik İşçi’nin estetik ve plastik cerrahi kliniğinde; herhangi bir prosedürün başarısı için çok önemli olan açık iletişim üzerine güçlü bir doktor – hasta ilişkisi kurulur.

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